Healing Hands for Haiti takes financial responsibility very seriously. We aim to work as efficiently and effectively as possible to address the needs of Haitians with disabilities.
On average, 14 percent of the budget of HHH is devoted to administrative costs. This means that 86 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to serve Haitians with disabilities.
We are committed to the principles of transparency, accountability, and sustainability. The Board of Directors appoints a Board member as the Treasurer for a three-year term. This is a volunteer position. The Treasurer is a member of and reports directly to the Governance Committee, a joint committee of the International and Haitian Boards.
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions of the international organization and fiscal sustainability by ensuring monthly financial statements, an annual audit, and legal, ethical, and effective accounting procedures and reporting, plus compliance with all government regulations and the organization’s By-Laws and Code of Ethics.
Healing Hands for Haiti has had a 501(c)3 designation up until 5/15/23. We are in the process of having this reinstated by the IRS. In the meantime, we can accept donations, but they may not be tax-deductible pending reinstatement. Once reinstatement is given, then those donations would then be tax-deductible. We will communicate information regarding reinstatement to all donors for donations made during this time period by emai
In order to keep our donors and supporters fully informed, we make our audited financial statements, 990 tax forms, and annual reports available to the public upon request.
Our survival and growth depend on the generosity of our many international donors and volunteers and the commitment of strong development partners such as:
To learn more about their specific contributions, read our sponsor stories here.
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